Leave it to the Japanese to make use of every available nook and cranny to make something cuter. It’s way beyond customizing the phone cover you already have – it’s inventing new jewelry that originally served no other purpose than adding character. Enter: the phone charm. Considering the human tendency to decorate *everything* (Bedazzled jeans, …
Tag Archive: iPhone
Feb 02 2011
Resurrecting The Jukebox With Mobile Phones
While some old favorites, like Pogs, are probably well and truly faded, some, like jukeboxes, are just waiting for the right new technology to rescue them from dusty obscurity. In particular, the rapid expansion of wi-fi and smartphones paves the way for the revival of this magical music box. Almost ubiquitous in ’50s-style …
Mar 26 2010
Panic! When The Digital Sky Is Falling
We’ve all confessed it at some point or other – we’d be useless without our smartphones, and dead without the internet. A lot of our distress comes from our inability to make decisions without digital input. Here are some services we depend on and the trouble that ensues when we lose them. So I was …
Feb 18 2010
Adobe Fights Back With AIR
In an earlier blog post, I espoused that Apple’s preference of HTML5 over Adobe Flash would likely change how video is streamed online. While this may still be true, a deeper look into Adobe’s AIR programming foundation reveals that the answer is not so simple. In readdressing this issue, the first thing I wanted to …
Feb 06 2010
Why Apple is Changing Video (Simplified)
The recent announcement that Apple’s iPad would not support Adobe’s Flash (the scripting behind video sites such as Hulu) irritated me a good bit at first. I already know people who watch videos on iPhones; I could very easily see two or three people whipping out an iPad (in downtime on set? in an office …
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